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Indicator of nitrogen-free diamond


1. Designation

The indicator of nitrogen-free diamonds is the compact autonomous device intended for the selection of  Type IIa diamonds from the natural rough material or the brilliants, in particular, the brown diamonds suitable for the high-temperature working at a high pressure for the purpose of their discoloration. Into the group of selection enter the crystals of diamond with the brown nuances of the colors such as Type IIb and Type IaB1 which are also suitable for the thermo baric working but being encountered it is extremely rare.

2. Operating principle

The operating principle of the device consists in the registration of the intensity of the passing through the tested crystal ray of short-wave ultraviolet radiation and is based on the essential difference in the absorption of this emission by nitric and nitrogen-free diamonds. Crystals of Type IIa (with the small content of nitrogen) and Type IIb (with the admixture of boron) are practically transparent for the ultraviolet wavelengths up to the boundary of their own optical absorption near 225 nm. But in Type Ia crystals depending on the content of contaminant nitrogen in the form of A- defects or B2- defects (platelets) continuous absorption band begins from the longer-wave second absorption edge near 320 or 280 nm, respectively. In Type IaB1 crystals there are narrow absorption bands of emission which directly adjoin the fundamental boundary.

In the device as the source of the narrowly-directed ultraviolet radiation is used light-emitting diode with the wavelength 265 ± of 10 nm. The emission of this range is absorbed in the indicated nitric natural crystals of diamond and is not experienced essential absorption in the nitrogen-free diamonds and in Type IaB1 crystals.

The registration of the passing through the crystal ray is realized by photodiode with the increased spectral sensitivity in the short-wave region of ultraviolet.

3. The design features

The common form of the device is represented in photograph of one of the versions of its design performance, Fig. 1.




                    Fig. 1. General view of the device with the gauge of output voltage.

On the cover plate of the housing of the device is located the working table in center of which there is a small opening for the directed ultraviolet radiation. The tested crystal of diamond must be placed to the table completely overlapping the opening indicated. The receiving light ray photodiode is fixed in the head of special holder. Electrical signal from the photodiode will be given to the converting amplifier located in the housing of the device. On the cover plate of the device there are terminals of the analog output of the amplifier to which for measuring the DC voltage in the range to two volts it is possible to connect the usual multimeter in preference with the function of memorization of the maximum value of voltage during the time of measurement.

The special feature of the device is the presence of light indicator - the red color LED, light from which appears in the special opening at the cover of the device if the tested crystal belongs to the necessary to us type. (In this case the signal from the photodiode at the output of amplifier must exceed 50 mV - adjustable point of operation of Schmitt trigger. This point is established during the preliminary calibration of the device.)

Two switches are located on the front panel of the housing. One of them is intended for turn-on of the ultraviolet emitting diode and another is used in the electric supply circuit of the converting amplifier of photodiode. The 9 V galvanic small batteries are used in both cases. The estimated time of a constant work of the batteries before their replacement is about 500 hours.

4. Example of advantageous use of the device

The indicator of nitrogen-free diamonds can be used for the prediction of the results of applying the HPHT technology - processing of the brown crystals of diamond at a high pressure and high temperature. Below in photographs, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the thoroughly tested groups of the nitric and nitrogen-free crystals before and after of this working are represented.


         Fig. 2. Result of the thermo baric processing of the nitric crystals of diamond.



                Fig. 3. Result of the thermo baric processing of the nitrogen-free crystals of diamond.

The groups of the brown crystals of diamond represented on the photographs are outwardly similar but easily and rapidly they are distinguished with the aid of our movable compact device.

5. Safety engineering

Instrument does not require the application of special safety engineering. The ultraviolet diodes of a series 265 nm adapt for cleaning of water, air and surfaces, do not generate ozone and vapors of mercury, they are used for phototherapy. It is forbidden to look into the opening of radiation source on the table of the device without glasses. Protect the device from the dust.


Contact person: Dr. Valentin Ryzhov ( ryzhov@hppi.troitsk.ru )

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